Trešdiena, 12.03.2025
Aija, Aiva, Aivis

Event plan


Events 2020



1.01. New Years night ball in Vērgale



Pāvilosta district sports day

10.-14.02. Mottled week in Vērgale elementary school



Concert of the students of the Pāvilosta Music School in Pāvilosta

Theatre celebration, Pāvilosta

6.03. Family Evening, Vērgale

7.03. Children's and youth singing Festival „Marta vējos

13.03. „Sniegpulkstenītis” song contest, Vērgale

14.03. Family evening „By the family hearth”, Ziemupe

21.03. Spring Equinox, Ziemupe

26.03 Spring concert in Pāvilostas Secondary school


Easter events

4.04. Singing event „Aijā manu skaņu balsi” in Ziemupe

25.04. 20th anniversary concert of VPDK “Mārsils” 


3.05. Holiday fair, Vērgale

4.05. White tablecloth celebration in Ziemupe

9.05. The horse deity Ūsiņš celebration in Ziemupe

13.05. Family day event in Pāvilostas Secondary school

16.05. Pavilosta city celebration, Tourism season opening

Open Tennis Championship of  Pāvilosta,  1 st round

 29.05. End of school year


Open Tennis Championship of  Pāvilosta,  2 nd round

6.06. VPDK folk dance concert „Jūras māte aicināja” Vergale

21.06. Summer Solstice, Ziemupe

23.06. Līgo Day


11.07. Fishermen’s Festival, Pāvilosta

24.07. Organ music and Development Foundation's 10th anniversary concert at Sakaslejas church

25.07. Musical and Art Festival „Zaļais Stars”, Pāvilosta

25.07. Vērgale celebration: „Vērgale celebrates!”

Open Tennis Championship of  Pāvilosta, 3 rd round


 7.08. Saka rural municipality holiday, Saka

8.08. Ziemupnieki Day, Ziemupes library, Ziemupes village hall - 90

15.08. „ma-DARA”  recreational event, Ziemupe, vadmotītvs Bird

29.08. Ancient fire night, Pāvilosta, Ziemupe

29.09. Open Tennis Championship of  Pāvilosta,  4 th round



2.09. Pāvilosta Music and Art School beginning of school year

20.09. Autumn Equinox, Ziemupe



1.10. Senior Day, Pāvilosta
2.10. School oak Miķeļa birthday in Vērgales elementary school
25.10. Lamprey Day



10.11. Mārtiņdienas fair Pāvilostas secondary school

Lāčplēsis Day events in the region

13.11. Mārtiņdienas event, autumn fair inVērgales elementary school

28.,29.11. Puzuru festivāls Ziemupē

Hunters ball

Ab joint concert of the „Dancing in the Wind” youth dance groups

Ceremonial events dedicated to Republic of Latvia proclamation day



 Christmas tree lightning, Pāvilosta

6.-30.12. Christmas Events, Rūķupe

21.12. Winter Solstice, Ziemupe

Christmas fair, Pāvilosta

Pāvilostas Music and Art school student work exhibition and concert

31.12. New Years ball, Pāvilosta